Turn Your Law Firm Into A Cash Generating Machine While Working Less Hours
February 9-11, 2021
>> Don't try to figure out how to win on your own, join 30+ leaders and experts who have solved this problem for themselves and others show you the solution.
>> Get your time back and get your life back with hands-on workshops where you can implement the strategies taught during this 3 day live virtual event.
Daniel Campen
The Law Firm Growth Summit was a great experience for me last year and I had one of those AHA! moments during a Q&A session. It gave me some clarity on what I needed to do going into 2020. Having no idea how the world was going to change. If I had not run into the Law Firm Growth Summit last year and started making process on those things in January. My Law Firm would not have survived. Instead I thrived and made 2020 my best year!
COVID Has Helped and Hurt Law Firms, Are You Prepared For What’s Next?
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Are you struggling even more now to find the time to get the important things done? Even if you have more business now, have you found that your plans to grow and expand your firm are now collecting dust? Do you know that you need help as in more staff but simply are overwhelmed by the possibility of the responsibility to support another person?
This year we have witnessed an acceleration of the changes that were eventually coming anyway to the legal industry. Virtual legal services, digital marketing, process automation, and a globalized staff are just the beginning of what is to come. We have gathered an army of experts to help you navigate complex decisions like alternative fee arrangements, alternative staffing arrangements, new ways to structure the collection process and how to simply take a step back to see the big picture of your future.
As a firm owner, you want to know two simple things, how do I make more money and how do I work less time so I can have a life?
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
That’s why we completely revamped the
Law Firm Growth Summit for 2021
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Virtual + Live + Workshops
Instead of feeding you 3 days of webinars, all sessions are happening live so you can interact with the speaker and the attendees. Not only that but we have also implemented a hands-on workshop model so that you can learn and implement in the same session and you don’t have to leave the event with a task list you’ll never get to.
3 days - 30+ speakers
Answering your burning question about making more money and working less time requires you to see your business through a new lens. We have gathered more than 30 speakers to hang out with you for 3 days and help you navigate this solution and individualize it for your firm and your needs.
Networking + Entertainment + Prizes
One thing we all crave is human connection and we are providing that in a big way with many peer-to-peer networking opportunities. On top of that, this will be an absolutely fun experience with great entertainment and a secret (shhhh…) grand prize giveaway.
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Here’s what you can expect at this year’s Law Firm Growth Summit
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COVID-19 has upended businesses around the world, but no industry has experienced changes more than the legal industry. The business of law is changing for good. These past few months have really highlighted the direction that the industry is going to go. Technology is going to replace a lot of what we do manually today. Customers are demanding and expecting different fee structures and payment options and are not going to want to pay fees the way that they have been paying in the past. Rather than trying to stick to the old ways and digging your heels in, it's time to embrace the future.
The real question is, what does the firm of the future look like? And that's what we're going to answer during the Law Firm Growth Summit. Over the course of three days, we're going to bring you dozens of industry experts that are going to highlight the latest business models, the latest technologies, and the latest tools for leading your team and creating a stellar customer experience. Most importantly, we will help you identify what you can do today to prepare yourself to be relevant 5, 10, and 15 years from now.
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Platinum Sponsors
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Just A Few Of This Year's Speakers
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Seth Price
Marketing Lightning Round - Marketers Square Off on Top Strategies
Melissa Shanahan
Speed Up Success with Personal Processes
Sam Mollaei
Get 5 Clients Online in 7 Days Using This Secret Video Funnel Process That Takes Less Than 10 Minutes
Molly McGrath
The Employee Review Must Die: How to Transform Employee Reviews into Teamcentric Growth Plans
Bill Hauser
The Law Firm Strategy & Execution Framework
Wendy Witt
The Law Firm Business Model Modern Clients Need You To Adopt
Andrew Stickel
How ANY Lawyer Can Quickly Get More Clients (Without More Leads, Even if You SUCK At Sales!)
John Strohmeyer
How Alternative Staffing Arrangements Can Supercharge Firm Growth in our New Gig Economy (Panel)
Allison Williams
Universal Marketing Strategies for Any Practice Area on Any Budget
Neil Tyra
Automate Your Way To Extreme Growth by Choosing Your Technology Wisely
Conrad Saam
The 22 Things Growth Oriented Firms are Doing with Technology That You Haven't Even Thought About
Eric Farber
How Alternative Staffing Arrangements Can Supercharge Firm Growth in our New Gig Economy (Panel)
Paul Garibian
The Law Firm Business Model Modern Clients Need You To Adopt
Brett Trembly
Delegate Your Way To Freedom: How The Right Virtual Assistants Can Change Your Business, and Your Life
Jordan Turk
Don't Leave Your Money on the Table
Jan Roos
The Appointment Machine: How to Turn Ice Cold Leads into Consultations That Close
Tom Lambotte
Automate Your Way To Extreme Growth by Choosing Your Technology Wisely
Melanie Leonard
How Alternative Staffing Arrangements Can Supercharge Firm Growth in our New Gig Economy (Panel)
Michael Morse
The Law Firm Business Model Modern Clients Need You To Adopt
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Pricing Models
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Navigate Alternative Fee Arrangements as a Solution - The 2020 Clio trends report identified the top four factors influencing their decision on choosing a law firm to be good reviews/recommendations, lower prices/discounts, payment plan, and fixed fees. Clearly, understanding how to provide more affordable options while still focusing on firm profitability is an extremely valuable skill. This will be a focal point for some of our sessions.
Marketing in a New World
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Marketing Solutions That Will Work Post-COVID - The legal industry has gone from not being allowed to advertise their services to navigating the ever changing world of consumer attention. Choosing between old school television, radio, and billboard placements and new age SEO, PPC, podcasting, video, and social advertising is a perplexing dilemma to navigate the best ROI and lead source for your firm. Not to mention, getting 5-star reviews and maybe also become an author? Our speakers will help you navigate this maze, so you can leave with the perfect 2021 marketing plan for your firm.
Dream Team
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Build the Team that you Need That Will Help You Achieve the Results You Want - Upwork and Uber have laid the groundwork for the gig economy. COVID-19 has made us all realize how easily we can incorporate remote staff. Combine these two concepts and you realize that a team no longer consists of a bunch of full-time employees. Developing a team of rockstars that will help you grow the future proofed firm of your dreams has gotten easier and more confusing at the same time. We will help you navigate the tough decisions of what type of hire is appropriate for the various needs and how to ensure great communication and camaraderie, so your team can be effective, efficient, and provide a stellar customer experience.
Money, Money, Money
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Eradicate Your Entrepreneurial Poverty and Finally Take Home the Paycheck You Desire - Cash flow and profitability are ultimately the name of the game. If you don’t have enough cash to operate, your firm will not survive. If you’re not taking home a nice profit, then why are you doing this in the first place? These are the toughest conversations to have and the ones that everyone tends to avoid. The truth is reducing or eliminating your accounts receivable, identifying your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and planning for profitability is all it takes to make the difference between a struggling and failing firm and one that is thriving and growing. Our industry-leading speakers are going to help you leave with absolute clarity on how to be one of the firms that are thriving and growing.
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Here's a Sample of Some of the Awesome Sessions:
Opening Keynote Address: The Future of Law and Why You Should Care presented by Moshe Amsel
Beyond COVID-19: Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Law Firm in 2021 presented by Mark Homer
How to Add the Missing Pieces to Your Marketing Puzzle presented by Jordan Ostroff
Marketing Lightning Round - Marketers Square Off on Top Strategies presented by Mark Homer, Jordan Ostroff and Seth Price
Universal Marketing Strategies for Any Practice Area on Any Budget presented by panel Mark Homer and Allison Williams
Let’s Build Your 90 Day Multi-Channel Content Strategy in 45 minutes presented by Mark Homer
Get 5 Clients Online in 7 Days Using This Secret Video Funnel Process That Takes Less Than 10 Minutes presented by Sam Mollaei
How Alternative Staffing Arrangements Can Supercharge Firm Growth in our New Gig Economy presented by Panel - Brett Trembly, Molly McGrath, Eric Farber
Delegate Your Way To Freedom: How The Right Virtual Assistants Can Change Your Business, and Your Life presented by Brett Trembly
How Alternative Staffing Arrangements Can Supercharge Firm Growth in our New Gig Economy presented by Brett Trembly
The Employee Review Must Die: How to Transform Employee Reviews into Teamcentric Growth Plans presented by Molly McGrath
Driving Profits (and Happiness) through Culture presented by Eric Farber
Cash is King, Flip the Script on Your Cash Flow presented by Mike Michalowicz
Speed Up Success with Personal Processes presented by Melissa Shanahan
Technology and Automation presented by Matt Spiegel
Automate Your Way To Extreme Growth by Choosing Your Technology Wisely presented by Panel - Matt Spiegel, Neil Tyra, Conrad Saam, Kara Vaval
Vendor Highlight - Visit Our Sponsors and Learn How They Can Help Your Law Firm Growth
Keynote Turning Your Annual Income Into Monthly Income During Times of Uncertainty presented by David Neagel
The Appointment Machine: How to Turn Ice Cold Leads into Consultations That Close presented by Jan Roos
How ANY Lawyer Can Quickly Get More Clients (Without More Leads, Even if You SUCK At Sales!) presented by Andy Stickel
Law Firm Case Study presented by Moshe Amsel
Setting Yourself Up for Success in 90 Days presented by Moshe Amsel
Keynote presented by Kevin Harrington
Closing Session and Grand Prize Giveaway - Putting It All Together and Where to Go From Here presented by Moshe Amsel
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Hear Why Our Speakers Are Excited About The Upcoming Law Firm Growth Summit
Choose The Package That’s Best For You…
Gold Sponsors
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Your Most Popular Questions Answered
Have a pressing question you need answered before buying a LFGS ticket? Below is a list of the most common questions we’ve been asked. If for some odd reason, you don’t see your question, just reach out to our support team by sending an email to [email protected] so we can assist you.
How do I upgrade my ticket?
Can I still get access to last year’s LFGS recordings?
How long is the current discount for the tickets good until?
What if I can’t attend all the sessions?
How long are the session recordings available for?
Who are the speakers at this event?
How do I get more entries into the grand prize giveaway?
What does a backstage pass include?
Do I need to be in front of a computer?
How do I access the event? Will it be through Zoom?
What time is the event each day?
How long is each session?
Do I need to prepare any of my internal firm business data to have ready to fully participate in any of the hands-on workshops?
What’s the focus of the Law Firm Growth Summit?
How can I become a sponsor?
How can I become a speaker?
Join More Than 3,000 Law Firm Owners and Dozens of Industry Experts and Leaders in the Industry's #1 Virtual Conference!
February 9-11, 2021
Some of Our Speakers Have Shared Their Top Tips For 2021
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Moshe Amsel
Moshe Amsel is the host of the Profit with Law Podcast and the Law Firm Growth Summit. He helps law firm owners grow their practice with a focus on creating generational wealth.
Generational wealth is an important focal point for Moshe because of his own experience as a recipient of generational wealth and how that positively impacted his life. Moshe’s grandfather came from Nazi Germany with nothing when he was eleven years old and through success in business and a good real estate investment, created substantial wealth. He used that wealth for many philanthropic activities to make the world a better place, but more importantly provided the down payment for the first time home purchase for each of his 36 grandchildren. Moshe’s experience as a recipient of that kind of help was so positive that he decided his entire focus would be helping others do the same.
As a married loving husband and father of 5 children ranging from 21 years to 3 years, he is very familiar with the struggles of running a successful business and still prioritizing his family.
Moshe has 20 years experience in the IT industry as a business executive. He has extensive experience in Sales and Marketing, having closed over $30 million in sales in a single year. He currently owns an accounting practice, DreamBuilder Financial, where he helps clients with business advisory and tax strategy services.
Silver Sponsors
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